Monday, March 15, 2021

Streetsblog desperately trying to come up with reasons to shoot down Sepulveda monorail proposal

Streetsblog LA recently posted 10 Reasons to Ditch the Sepulveda Pass monorail proposal. All 10 are a stretch of reality and common sense. It makes me wonder what their real motive is. Let's look:

1 - Caltrans won't allow it

Because a monorail would require posts, which drivers couldn't see past in the curves.

B.S. Do we not have curving tunnels on freeways in CA ? Does the 110 not have posts?

2 and 3 - Freeways transit stations are polluted and loud

And sitting in traffic is better? Sign me up.

4 - Freeway station areas are not conducive to transit and walking

Wah. Doesn't seem to hurt the 10 freeway train. See 2 and 3. Sign me up.

5 - No UCLA station

Wah. No, really, just, "Wah."

6 - Monorail proposers didn't map Metro's existing transit lines correctly

It "doesn't inspire confidence". So what? In their own words, "This gets even more nitpicky..." so they admit that it was nitpicky to begin with.

7 - Monorail technology has few upsides

"Monorail operations would mean ... vehicles that could only run on this line." Yes, you seem to understand how monorails work. :-)

"Monorails ... are ... nearly as old as conventional rails." This doesn't seem to stop Streetsblog from recommending trains...

"When running entirely aerially, monorails can be slightly cheaper than conventional rail." Win-win!

8 - Transit P2s have failed spectacularly in other cities

"Why do public-private partnership at all?" I'm not sure what point they're trying to make here.

9 - Privatization has already failed L.A. transit riders

Namely, bus stops are horrible. Really, that's their evidence.

10 - Proposer BYD has an uneven record

Listen to this hard-hitting language:

"The company is currently manufacturing electric buses for Metro" And yet, no complaints.

"they may very well make a great monorail" No argument here.

"it could be a stretch" It could, but do you have any evidence?

"BYD has sometimes over-promised..." Sometimes? Show me an organization that hasn't.


I wish Streetsblog would focus their voice and energy on the actual things that they'd like to change about the proposal, instead of waving around watery language and trying to strike the whole thing down. I've waited 32 years for an alternative to the 405. L.A. can't wait any longer.

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