When I tried, I got into a reboot loop on the watch. Once you press and hold Back, Up and Select, you need to install an image until your watch can do anything but be a brick. You can't even turn it off.
Here's what I recommend. Since it's going to factory reset anyways:
- Uninstall the Pebble app
- Unpair the watch (on the phone)
- Unpair the phone (on the watch, if you haven't bricked it yet)
- Re-install the Pebble app
- While it's installing, factory reset the watch
- If pairing doesn't work, try cycling Bluetooth on the phone. It seems to help my Moto X.
- If pairing still doesn't work, 3 finger salute the watch
- Hold Back, Up and Select
- After 10 seconds, it will say "pebble". Keep holding.
- After more than 10 seconds, it will go to the "upload" screen.
- Let go.
- If pairing does work, and the app says something like, "Pebble should show code 123456.", ignore the code. Mine never showed it. As long as the 4 digit code matches your Pebble, say, "yes, that's my Pebble."
Good luck!
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