Saturday, December 1, 2018

"There Will Be Blood"

(title and photo brazenly borrowed from the New York Times, thanks guys)

Has anyone considered, maybe she's colorblind?

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Winter beers

I dropped by Bevmo (a local nation-wide chain) to check out some winter beers. I ran across this saison, and hoped it would be good, based solely on the junipers on the label, and Geniรจvre is a pretty name. I try to shop simply.

It turns out that this beer is WAY too good for any of the food in MY house. It's an absolutely lovely saison. There's no hint of weird flavor or scent, as is the case with some other juniper based brews. It's just a wonderful Belgian. Highly recommended.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

New Busytown

As a frequent listener to Reply All, I'm sad to say that I get every one of these references.


If you go to The Sagulator (a site for calculating the strength of a particular board of wood), after you enter your data and get a response, it informs you:

4. A fully loaded bookshelf weighs 20-40 pounds (9-18 kg) per running foot, or 60-120 pounds (27-54 kg) for a 3′ wide shelf.  A value of 35 pounds per running foot is used by some for library shelving. Fine Woodworking magazines can weigh up to 40 pounds per foot.

because what else would you put on a shelf?

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Emery board suggestion

Image result for emery board

Since I type a lot, I like my nails to be short. But I find that emery boards don't last very long. Before I've finished polishing a single hand, it seems that portions of the board are dull. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to file your nails with a bit of smooth cardboard.

It would be great if you could *see* the parts of the board that were still good. It seems to me that, if we simply colored the sand differently from the board, where the sand wore off, the color would change in that location. So you could easily see where the sand was still present.

You're welcome.